A Young Coders Ambassador is a high school member of a local YCI branch who volunteers at least once a month at workshops, teaching children about computer science. To become an ambassador, high schoolers must complete YCI’s rigorous safety training due to their direct involvement with students.
In contrast, anyone can volunteer for YCI to support its mission through fundraising, event management, membership growth, and awareness efforts, even if they don’t directly interact with students at workshops.
Here at YCI, we believe building a connection with our students is essential to make a difference in their lives. High school students who are closer to their age and therefore understand them better can serve as mentors, inspiring them to pursue their academic goals and stay on the right track.
In addition, by partnering with local high schools, YCI is able to ensure the safety of our students. YCI does not have the resources to monitor multiple branches first-hand to see if they are meeting our standards, however, by operating YCI branches as high school clubs, we can use the school system to amplify our impact ten-fold.
YCI focuses on serving students from underrepresented and underserved groups by designating “target schools” for our branches. These schools typically lack exposure to computer science, have limited resources, and often serve majority-minority and low-income populations. Target schools often do not offer fundamental computing classes, making them a priority for YCI’s outreach efforts.
We start by reviewing Title 1 eligible schools with weak STEM programs in the area. Additionally, we reach out to school faculty to assess their needs and determine if our program would benefit their students. We also encourage students to contact us through our website to request YCI workshops at their schools, emphasising the importance of student involvement in our mission.